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Lets NOT Screw Up The Next Eleven Months

I have always considered January a trial month for all the awesomeness we have planned for the rest of the year. It could be for all the list of resolutions or simply if we have decided to change a few things in our day-to-day life to make our lives happy this year. Some may consider this as a huge waste of 31 days, but I actually think you can afford it. It buys you that extra time just to put some things in perspective. 

Sometimes in the spell of the moment, you may make some overwhelming plans that may not be feasible, now is the time to take action on those things. Now in this post what I want to talk about is, if in case you did screw-up (I already screwed up 👀), it is not the end of the world and you need not ruin your glorious next eleven months. 

Now, you may wonder what timing for a post like this; it is not a start of the month for a quick fixation like, hurrah! You are allowed to screw up 31 days before you really really get started, nor it the end of the month, if you are more of that sort of person who will do something about the bomb only after it has exploded :) I think we are exactly at the right time to satisfy both ends, so you do not feel you have yet again lost the game even before the end of the month. 

I am just going to list THREE things that can help you just calm down and get a grip of the year. I am no expert on the subject, infact I am the mother of all screw-ups, so these are just few things I am experimenting and I believe they are working out.

1) Make realistic plans and always make room for Plan B, I'd say Plan C as well 

Now, there is nothing wrong in pushing yourself to extreme limits sometimes, often that is exactly what is required, but do stop for a moment and contemplate, are the plans realistic? Don't try to achieve everything at once, no matter how simple it may seem, for example - you decide to become a morning person and somehow some days you just can't open those eyes, let alone doing something productive in the mornings, you do not need to feel bad about it. Allow yourself some cheat days and infact enjoy those cheat days.

2) Appreciate Life big time

The whole point is to have a good time and be happy through the year. Life is no job that requires achieving targets, though it is a lot of work. Appreciate yourself and life when there are some lovely moments through the day. Some days may be very bad from your point of view, but trust me there is always something wonderful each day, and we do not care to appreciate it. It can be something as small as your favorite song just started playing when you switched on the radio. Well, I love when that happens, its a sweet surprise, I know we all have our gadgets and we can play whatever we wish, any time and how many ever times we want to; however, that little surprise definitely makes you feel good.

3) Let it go

With all the plan A, B and C's you may still screw up. Just let it go... LET IT GO. Going crazy over something that did not work quite right is not going to do you any good. So leave it there, and move on.



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